Tuesday, 6 October 2009

MP's Trading Standards... Everyone is on our side!

One of our readers has sent in a letter from his MP. This matter is now being discussed at some of the highest possible levels!

Still that is not a reason to sit back and relax. We need to keep going.

A dialogue has been opened with City Of London Trading Standards:

Let these people know how you have been affected.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Get your documents to the court on time...

Are you missing any of the necessary court documents? Several people have informed me "section 5" was missing from the paperwork they received.

This can be downloaded as a PDF from this site:

In addition you can e-mail the court your paperwork:
I would suggest e-mailing them and following this up in the post. With postal strikes and delays you can't take any chances.

Monday, 14 September 2009

A Whole Lot of TCA Information!


It is very interesting especially to read...

Please let me know if you uncover something if you decide to research these companies and directors further...

Friday, 4 September 2009

Do you think TCA are honest about their Tax?

If TCA have CCJ's yet transferred their assets to a new company do you think they have declared their full income to HMRC?

If in doubt you can report it here:

I have been granted access to a credit checking system worth £1,000 and have been checking out the directors, their other directorships and the level of CCJ's they have in each company.
I've also got the liquidators documents relating to TCA Futures Limited / Premier Asset Limited.

Ooooh and here comes something else, I got the e-mails for 30 people today who are currently in the process of taking action over TCA Futures Limited / Premier Asset Limited.
I will keep you updated.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Filling out your court documents

You have 14 days from the date of the stamp on the front to fill out your Acknowledgement of Service Form. Following this you will then get a further 14 days (28 days from the stamp) to file a defence.

I would recommend filing the Acknowledgement of Service now as this will give you more time to file a defence.

A lot of thanks to an unnamed source for providing these templates:

Then after filing out this form, please get complaining to the places listed in my previous post. It is vitally important we make as much noise as possible.

Particularly keen to find people who were chased by the liquidator of Premier Asset Limited to find out your experiences and looking for people with knowledge of company filings at companies house as there could be a big development here soon.

Any more information please e-mail nowaytca@gmail.com

TCA mislead students!

Right... I found out over the weekend, the TCA were attending college recruitment days and actively signing up students into thinking they could become traders for TCA after their course. They received no training or trading opportunities whatsoever and have just received letters from the court.

I've contacted some people I know who work for national newspapers. I urge you to do the same and if you can let me know their contact details so we can get more poeple to contact them.

In the mean time I urge you to contact each and every one of the entities below. The more people that complain, the greater the chance it will be investigated thoroughly.

By having a letter from the Financial Ombudsman saying that a complaint is being processed, this should be sufficient for the Court to postpone any case until the Financial Ombudsman has had time to investigate the complaint.

Please get in touch if you know anything I don't. I'm particularly keen to get in touch with people who were chased by "Premier Asset Limited" and what you did to stop the liquidator chasing you for debts.

Contact me at nowaytca@gmail.com

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

TCA Saga continues but the position is looking good.

From what I can tell they set up a new company just before the old one entered administration. However the TCA website states they have been going successfully since 1997. I think that is very misleading advertising.

If you think you can help me with my court action or know any further information on this mess please let me know. So far I'm on to Watchdog, the Echo, Guardian, my MP, the FSA, Financial Ombudsman, the liquidator of an earlier company, the ASA and even complaining to the Law Society about the solicitor that is party to all this and the animals they have on their website. Disgraceful.

E-mail nowaytca@gmail.com for more info. If you know anything I don't please let me know. The smallest additional bit of information may tip the scales in our favour.

Monday, 24 August 2009

TCA Financial / Global Financial Markets

Some time ago I expressed interest in a company called TCA who train you in how to trade the stock market, then after 3 months take you on and you can trade with their funds for a 50:50 profit split.

Sound too good to be true? Well I never had any training from them yet they are now taking me to court. There is a bit more to it than that though...

The original company TCA Futures Limited was liquidated owing nearly £1million. Quite a lot about that on the net, lots of people lost money and had their training interrupted. My dubious contract however is with TCA Financial Limited who have the same website same staff etc...

There is a lot more to it than meets the eye. Their website says they have been trading successfully since 1997 which is clearly a blatant lie.

I am in touch with a few other people in the same situation and my solicitor advises us that taking action together will increase our chances of a successful outcome.

Reply to this blog, lets get in touch and share our knowledge and legal costs.
e-mail nowaytca@gmail.com for more info. Please give a brief summary of what has happened to you and what stage debt collection is at and give a phone number if possible.